Paul Fox Commercial


t: 01724 870520
f: 01724 870532
e: [email protected]
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£175,000 / £16,750 PER ANNUM
354 sq ft (35.84 sq m)
  • Takeaway with living accommodation.
  • Location highly visible.
  • Traditional takeaway layout.
  • Ground floor approx. 35.84 sqm 354 sq ft
  • First and Second floor flat two bedrooms, living room, kitchen and bathroom.
  • Freehold or leasehold option available.
  Brigg is a popular market town with national, regional and local traders along with industry providing a focal point from the surrounding villages. Development continues within the town with approximately ½ mile to the west a significant new housing development which is nearing completion. The subject property is situated slightly to the east of Brigg town centre on Bridge Street with a visual aspect to the A18 the main through road which is also the northern ring road. The surrounding character of the area is commercial and includes pubs, butchers, takeaway/restaurant, bakery along with a doctors surgery and Peacock & Binnington a large agricultural sales business. Interspersed with the commercial properties is residential including new build. To the east is a bridge over the River Ancholme leading into Market Place and then to Wrawby Street. Bridge Street to which the property faces has allowable on street parking and includes several off road spaces.
  Of traditional construction with rendered elevations and tiled roof. This mid terrace property to the ground floor has previously been used for a takeaway with a separately accessed two bedroom first and second floor flat. GROUND FLOOR Wooden shop front with display windows. Traditional waiting area with full width counter dividing the cooking and food preparation area. Tiled floors throughout. Further storage area with rear door. WC accommodation. Rear yard accessed via gated archway from Bridge Street. FLAT Rear external staircase provides access to this refurbished flat. First floor, new kitchen, bathroom and living room. Second floor two bedrooms. All to a neutral colour scheme.
Description sq ft sq m
Waiting area 79 7.38
Cooking preparation area 225 23.78
Storage 50 4.68
2 bedrooms
Living room
Total 354 35.84
  The ground floor is entered in the rating list as Shop and Premises. Rateable value £2,850 pa. Small business rate relief may apply which would mean that no rates were payable. For further information contact North Lincolnshire Council. The flat is assessed as a Band A.
  The ground floor is entered in the rating list as Shop and Premises. Rateable value £2,850 pa. Small business rate relief may apply which would mean that no rates were payable. For further information contact North Lincolnshire Council. The flat is assessed as a Band A.
Disposal Terms:  
  The subject property is available freehold with vacant possession being given upon completion. Alternatively, the whole of the premises are available on one occupational lease. The terms of which are negotiable, but the tenant will be responsible for repairs, all outgoings, rates and building insurance with a capped contribution towards landlords legal costs of £500 plus vat. Note 1, the fixtures and fittings for the takeaway are included. Note 2, A covenant will be placed upon the property both on the freehold and leasehold that the takeaway cannot be used for a Chinese takeaway or for the sale of Chinese food.
  Viewing is strictly by appointment with the agent. Please contact the Scunthorpe office on 01724 870520 to arrange a viewing.
Price / Rent  
  £175,000 / £16,750 PER ANNUM
Google Map:  
Google Street View:  
Conditions under which particulars are issued: Fox Knight (Commercial) Ltd trading as Paul Fox Commercial - for themselves and for their vendors or lessors of this property whose agents they are give notice that: i) the particulars are set out as a general outline only for the guidance of the intending purchaser or lessees and do not constitute, or constitute part of an offer or contract; ii) all descriptions, dimensions, references to condition and necessary permissions for use and occupation and other details are given in good faith but without responsibility on the part of the vendor, lessor, Fox Knight (Commercial) Ltd trading as Paul Fox Commercial or their employees. Any intending purchaser or lessee should not rely on them as statements or representations of fact but must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of them; iii) no person in the employment of Fox Knight (Commercial) Ltd trading as Paul Fox Commercial, has any authority to make or give representations or warranty whatsoever in relation to the property; iv) all rentals and prices are quoted exclusive of VAT; v) Fox Knight (Commercial) Ltd trading as Paul Fox Commercial will not be liable, in negligence or otherwise for any loss arising from the use of these particulars.

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